AMBRUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING is a consulting firm based in Athens that in recent years has delivered numerous projects in the private and public sector specializing in the provision of audit, financial and consulting services.
In the current business environment, characterized by everchanging and unpredictable events, under intense economic, political, legislative, and technological changes, in addition to an international environment of multiple crises, consulting and support services become a necessity and a priority for every modern organization. Businesses and organizations operating in this highly changing international context must be well prepared, to respond promptly to any new challenges that may affect both their internal operations as well as their effectiveness and efficiency.
Towards this goal, AMBRUS supports its clientele with key services such as risk management, internal audit, ESG compliance services, GDPR, Cyber Security services, etc.
In AMBRUS, we cooperate with both Private and Public Sector - Central Government, Legal Entities & Public Enterprises, Public Hospitals, Local Authorities together with their Supervised Entities, - Banking Sector and Occupational Insurance Funds.
Our Company holds certifications such as ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certification, ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System Certification, in addition to ISO 14001:2015 certification relating to the Environmental Management Assurance Standards.
Our mission is to add value to our customers, their operating partners along with the rest of society, allowing us to lay the foundations for a sustainable future for all. We grow with respect to the environment, to the people, as well as society, enhancing economic and social development. Finally, we demonstrate a commitment to integrity, ethical values and standards of professional conduct and confidentiality.
Our team includes experienced executives specialized in Risk Management, Internal Audit, Regulatory Compliance, National and European Co-funded Programs, in Private and Public Bodies, but also with specialized knowledge in the Financial Sector and General Advisory Services. The executives of our company are graduates of Higher Education, covering a wide range of specializations as is evident by the certifications they acquired (CIA, CRMA, CCS, CFE, CICA, etc.) to manage the increased challenges of modern times and high demands.
Further, our company's investment in developing the knowledge level of our executives is continuous, considering it the only way to monitor continuous developments and opportunities that arise, thus adding value to the result of our collaborations.
The success of our company is based primarily on our team of executives achieving top performance in the Consulting Services Sector.
Άλλωστε, η επένδυση της εταιρείας μας στην ανάπτυξη του γνωστικού επιπέδου των στελεχών μας είναι συνεχής, θεωρώντας τη μονόδρομο για την παρακολούθηση των συνεχών εξελίξεων αλλά και των ευκαιριών που προκύπτουν, δίνοντας έτσι προστιθέμενη αξία στο αποτέλεσμα των συνεργασιών μας.
Η επιτυχία της εταιρείας μας βασίζεται πρωτίστως στην ομάδα των στελεχών μας, επιτυγχάνοντας κορυφαία απόδοση στον Τομέα των Συμβουλευτικών Υπηρεσιών.
Our goal is establishing a long-term relationship with our customers.
- Reliability
- Specialization
- Personal contact
- Personalized services
Our business practices prioritize confidentiality in our customer relationships.
- Safety
- Confidentiality commitment
- Needs assessment
- Integrity
Our goal is the transfer of know-how to achieve the best desired result.
- Professional skills
- Technical know-how
- Experience
- Added value
- Produce sustainable results

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